Williston Welcomes 54 Families for Admitted Students Day

On March 10th, the Williston Admission Office released all of its decisions, along with financial aid packages. In the upcoming weeks, those students who were accepted will have to make the decision whether or not to attend the school next year

On March 25th and April 1st, admitted students have been invited to campus to get a sense of Williston’s community. Prospective students have been paired with current Williston students as hosts who will take them to a class or two. Admissions says that 54 prospective families have signed up to come to campus.

On March 24th, Head of School Mr. Robert Hill sent an email to the Williston community about the next day. He wrote, “The critical thing for you to know is that we ALL play an important role tomorrow, whether you are student host, classroom teacher, or staff member. We all know that Williston is a special place because of our students, and faculty, and staff.  So tomorrow is our chance to show that off and make these families want to join us.”

Williston Senior JJ Celentano ’16 takes pride in showing prospective students the campus and he understands the importance of his role. He says, “Honestly, I take it very seriously. I feel as I was chosen because I have a similar personality to the student I am hosting and I hope to give them an idea of the school through my eyes.”

As part of the Admitted Students Day, there will be a special All School Assembly where students and members of the faculty will be able to present on different facets of the school. Classes will end earlier than usual at 1:40 p.m. and there will be an Activities Fair down at the gym to showcase Williston’s many extracurricular activities.

Admitted students have until a deadline of April 10th to decide whether or not to enroll at Williston.