The oldest continuously published high school newspaper in America

The Willistonian, Est. 1881

The oldest continuously published high school newspaper in America

The Willistonian, Est. 1881

The oldest continuously published high school newspaper in America

The Willistonian, Est. 1881

Ten Unbreakable Rules of Girl Code

Credit: Williston Flickr

Girl code is a set of unspoken but sacred rules that help set the foundation for how women’s friendships should be. With every friendship, there are basic guidelines to follow. Here are the top 10:

Number 1: Don’t go after your friend’s ex or crush

When your friend tells you about her new crush, you should not then choose them as your new crush. If your friend and a guy had a situation, the seriousness of it determines how long you have to wait before talking to the same guy.

Number 2: Keep secrets secret

When confiding in a close friend, things are inevitably shared that do not need to be shared with the whole world. While sometimes info needs to be shared to prevent people from getting hurt, not the whole truth needs to be put out there. Some things are meant to stay secret.

“I think that some things you say to your closest friends should be kept in the safety of the friendship,” said junior Mya Schattin. “This applies to all aspects of the conversation.”

Number 3: Be honest, even if it hurts

When your best friend asks your advice, you should give the honest truth, even if it is not what they are looking to hear. Friends are there to keep you going, and sometimes the truth is the only way to get there. The truth should come from a place of love, and it all comes down to the delivery and intent.

Number 4: Not everything is a competition

We live in a world of competition; that should not exist in your friendships. You should be your friend’s number one supporter, and competition should not be part of that. The honest truth is that some people are better at some things than others, but that doesn’t mean it needs to be a competition.

Hazel Jacobs, a junior, thinks “my happiness is never supposed to interfere with my friend’s happiness. If your personal win upsets your friend, get a new one. Happiness shouldn’t be comparable.”

Number 5: Post photos only if both of you look good

There is a rush of dopamine that goes through your body when you hit “post” on Instagram, which is nice, but it should not happen if you aren’t posting a photo that everyone looks good in. In a big group photo, sure, one person is doomed to look bad, but in a small group or with a friend, only post if you all look good, no matter how good you, personally, may look.

Number 6: Be able to be serious and laugh

Friends should be able to have a laugh and a deep conversation in the same setting. Being able to have the balance keeps the friendship going; without this balance, a disconnect can form.

“I feel like one of the best parts of being in a friendship is being able to laugh and just have fun, but I also feel like it can’t just be laughs all the time,” Sadie Crampton, a junior boarder, said. “When I need advice or a lending hand, I want my friends to be serious.”

Number 7: Provide unconditional support even if you don’t agree

You are supposed to keep each other going and support your friends’ moves. Sometimes you need to vent; it is always allowed. A mandatory part of venting is the reassurance that your feelings are valid. The only time unconditional support does not exist is if it breaks another girl code.

Number 8: Share the spotlight

When you are with your friend, the spotlight should be shared, and one of you should outshine the other. You are there to be each other’s supporter. Putting your friend down to make yourself look better in front of a group of guys will never be okay.

Violet Carroll thinks that “it is important that you and your friend do not take opportunities away from each other. You are there to cheer each other on and not to outdo each other. You need to celebrate the wins equally, but also support each other in downfalls as well.”

Number 9: Not everything is a personal attack

You should be able to make a jab at a friend and for it not to be a personal attack. While every once and a while the jab might go too far it is never the end of the friendship.

Number 10: Breaking girl code isn’t the end of a friendship, but the lack of an apology is

While breaking one of these rules is doomed to occur in the course of a friendship, it does not mean that the friendship is over. However, not being able to recognize the break in code, and not apologizing, means it is.

Junior Gabi Bobiak feels that “every relationship I’ve had with another girl has been based on a sense of mutual trust and respect for each other. The understanding that girl code is so important really has made my friendships grow so much deeper,” she said.

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  • A

    AddieJul 2, 2024 at 3:17 PM

    My bestie always liked the same guy I liked but I didn’t fight her should I fight her

  • Z

    ZoeMay 14, 2024 at 4:13 PM

    yesterday at lunch me and my friends were talking about crushes and one of my friends said she liked MY crush even though I’m pretty sure she already knew. And over the weekend apparently they all called each other but didn’t tell me.. Is it wrong that I’m mad at them for this?

    • N

      NancyMay 29, 2024 at 4:45 PM

      No emotion you feel is wrong, but how you deal with the emotion can be good or bad. Talking to the friends telling them what hurt you and why is good practice in dealing with anger over lack of communication. Hopefully you see this post!

  • H

    HannahMay 9, 2024 at 12:48 PM

    By bestie dated someone I liked and wanted to get into a relationship with the day we broke up and now all my used to be friends are mad at me

    • R

      RyleeMay 24, 2024 at 6:26 PM

      I don’t see how your friends would be upset at you for something that you didn’t even have anything to do with. Your friend knew you liked somebody and chose to have bigger and closer relations with the person you wanted. It seems unfair to be to blame. I haven’t experienced much like this, but based on what experience I DO have, let your friend know your boundaries, and make sure she respects them. Boundaries are a key foundation to any relationship, whether it’s friendship of love. And if she chooses not to follow those clear set ground rules, you have every right to separate yourself from her. #Girlpower

  • K

    KelsieApr 21, 2024 at 11:09 PM

    omg i have 2 ex friends and while we were friends they did none of that and instead used me!

    • R

      RyleeMay 24, 2024 at 6:30 PM

      Based off of what I’ve read of girl code, friends are meant to support you unconditionally. But if your “friends ” spent time with you to take advantage of you, they aren’t your true friends, and that’s what is called a toxic friendship. I have experience from being a tool to someone else many times. So if you continue to have a relationship with them, they only will continue to use you. And if you don’t have the courage to separate yourself from them, simply confront them and explain your concerns and boundaries. And let them know what you expect, and if those expectations are not met, there will be consequences.

  • A

    Ana_Banana!!!Apr 20, 2024 at 7:24 PM

    wow I didn’t know that girl code was that SERIOUS!!! Thanks that helped ALOT!!!! 🙂

  • T

    TeresaApr 17, 2024 at 7:18 AM

    This is 😃 great I mean it a lot of girl in my school are so rude and ridiculous it’s so funny just to watch them

    • L

      lizzieMay 3, 2024 at 2:31 PM

      same people at my school cause so much drama.

    • S

      SummerMay 7, 2024 at 11:29 AM

      I only knew the first rule none of the others. My best friend dated my ex and she didn’t even ask me about it. She just went right along with it. But we are still friends, I can’t talk to her about things like that anymore

      • R

        RyleeMay 24, 2024 at 6:33 PM

        It’s good that you know what to and what not to tell your friend based off of what they did to you. From my research, progress in what you tell her slowly over time to regain trust.

  • J

    JoslynMar 20, 2024 at 1:30 PM

    thank u for this but my bestie is dating my crush that kissed me on the bus but the next day they got together is that normal?

    • R

      RyleeMay 24, 2024 at 6:36 PM

      It is normal that happens, but it’s not a good thing to happen. And I recommend from girl code, support your friend in her relationship but let her know what your concerns are and talk through it to make sure you both have your needs met to maintain a healthy friendship

    • N

      NancyMay 29, 2024 at 4:53 PM

      No. That is abnormal. Either your crush wants to have his cake and eat it too or he changed his mind about you. Your beastie is really your “bestie”. No friend should disrespect their bestie that way without a sincere apology. On top of that, the beastie should understand what she needs to apologize for. The only way she can apologize is to tell her she hurt you & girl code #1 explains why. Show her the list too, so you’re on the same page.
