Ms. Levine Leads with Kindness, Passion, and Encouragement

Sarah Levine, a teacher of many talents, leaves a lasting impression on all who interact with her.

Levine, an English teacher in her fourth year, represent the school’s motto of purpose, passion, and integrity all while creating a safe and incredible learning environment.

Levine is known as many things: a teacher, a writer of all shapes and forms, a JV girls tennis coach, an advisor, and notably friend who is always as kind to her students as she is passionate for her love of writing.

Levine is, outside the classroom, an accomplished poet; she has won Westchester Review’s Writers Under 30 prize and has been nominated for a Pushcart prize. Levine’s work has appeared in Best New Poets, PANK, Fourteen Hills, Green Mountains Review, other journals. Her  poetry chapbook, Take Me Home, was published Oct. 16, 2020 by Finishing Line Press.

Levine’s love for the English language is apparent with her sheer level of dedication to her school and her consistent striving to learn more every day. To that end, Levine has acquired two masters degrees, an MA in the Art of Teaching from Smith college and a Masters of Fine Arts from Sarah Lawrence. She  also received a BA in English from UMass Amherst and was summa cum laude as well as a member of Commonwealth Honors College, and graduated in three years.

Levine was also a strong athletic competitor. She was a  member of the tennis team at Sarah Lawrence and competed in the Hudson Valley Conference.

Before joining he Williston community, other schools also had the opportunity to learn from the kind and equally accomplished teacher. Her most recent place of employment was at Hilltown Cooperative Charter Public school as a teaching fellow.

It is obvious how much Levine positively impacts all the communities in which she finds herself.

Tu Thieu, a senior in Levine’s AP Literature class said, “Ms. Levine helped me a lot with feeling confident in my own voice in the classroom. Whether it’s on paper or in a discussion, her encouragement is the sole reason that I feel like I can keep going.”

“My favorite thing about her, though,” Tu added, “is that she’s understanding of the high intensity circumstances that we are in and supports us in any way that she can. Her high expectations of us pushes us to be better even when we think we’ve reached our limits. You can tell by the vibes that she enjoys seeing her students grow.”

Luke Ballard, senior in AP Literature said felt similar to Tu.

“One of the main reasons I enjoy English so much this years because of Miss Levine and how open and personable she is,” Luke said. “She is always there to chat and talk about life in the very serious topics we talk about in class that stem from the books we read. She is very understanding, as she has been through everything we have and much more. She also does an amazing job with the way she facilitates our class and leaves it to be an open discussion which benefits her, the class and I.”

Numerous students and teachers are aware of Levine and her impact on the campus, and one word is always associated with her: incredible.

Siga Pouye, another senior in AP Literature, said Levine “has been an incredible teacher for me both inside and outside of the classroom by being and academic and emotional support. As a teacher she clearly puts in the time and effort to create thoughtful and engaging classes. I have been able to grow as a student and a person because of her class.”

English teacher Alex Tancrell-Fontaine cherishes how kind and considerate Levine is as a colleague.

“She is someone I really rely on and trust with advice in work and in life. She is so kind and so thoughtful and the Williston community is really lucky to have her in it,” Tancrell-Fontaine said.

Levine consistently makes people on campus smile and is often seen around campus walking her pit bull named Fat Boy, who is just as kind as his owner.