Graduating Seniors’ Favorite Campus Memories

Credit: Williston Flickr

As the school year comes to an end, so does the time at Williston for our seniors. Some students have been at Williston since they were in seventh grade and some are new to Williston this year. However, they will all graduate together on Saturday, May 22.

Sonia Whitman, a four-year senior for Greenwich Conn., will miss Williston and all the opportunities it has provided her, especially as a leader.

“I’m involved in a lot of leadership positions and have grown really close to a lot of the underclassmen. Specifically, with being a proctor, I’ve become like an older sister to a lot of the girls I’ve lived with,” Sonia said. “I’m really going to miss this role and being a part of what makes the Williston community so special.”

Sonia was lucky enough to have two older sisters who to came to Williston before her and therefore had grown up visiting the campus often.

“I remember sitting in on Madame Michalski’s French class and Mrs. Conroy’s Geometry class as my little seven-year-old self, trying so hard to participate in the high school classes,” she said. “I have a lot of memories of Williston from when I was a little kid which makes me feel really connected. I know it is definitely going to be a difficult goodbye.”

Sonia will attend Lehigh University next year.

Four-year senior Molly Kinstle, from Easthampton Mass., will be attending Carnegie Mellon University next year in their College of Science for biology. She is also committed to their Swimming program. Molly will miss the people, who she said are “nice, funny, and inspiring, and just so good to be around, and I’ll be really sad to have to part ways.”

Molly will especially miss the nights where she and the swim team would have pizza nights at Village pizza in Easthampton.

Emile Savoie, a two-year senior from Montreal, Canada, will be playing junior hockey on the east coast next year and will be taking online classes at either Harvard or Johns’ Hopkins to prepare for college. Even in two years, Williston has had a large impact on his life.

“I will definitely miss Williston,” Emile said. “This place, in addition to being a place I consider home, will always represent a big accomplishment in my life. It will leave a mark on me for sure.”

Hockey was a key part of Emile’s Williston experience and the Alzheimer’s game in 2020 is a time that will stick with him for years to come.

“It meant a lot to many of us because the cause directly affected one of the guys on our team,” Emile explained. “I think the boys and the school felt that and it was an amazing feeling to put on the jersey for something a lot bigger than [ourselves].”

Nathan Shatz, a six-year senior from Northampton Mass., is going to attend the University of Michigan and plans to study history and psychology. Like Molly, he will miss the people the most from Williston the most. One of the most memorable moments in his Williston career was a Model UN conference at MIT in 10th grade.

“Liam and I won Best Delegate awards back-to-back in an emphatic end to an intense, competitive and greatly anticipated weekend,” Nathan said.

This memory is important to Nathan because it reminds him of all the good that comes out of the hard work he puts in at Williston.

“That moment was a reminder of why I work hard academically, and it motivated us as Liam [Coughlin] and I continued to run the club as co-presidents for the next two and a half years,” Nathan said.

Four-year senior, Jenna Perry from Henderson, Nev., is going to attend Bates College next year. She will definitely miss Williston, especially working in the costume department.

Senior Class President, Adam Thistlethwaite, will be playing lacrosse at the University of Albany in Albany NY., next year. While he is ready to move onto his next team, he will miss the bond he and his teammates have.

“My best memories were on Sundays last winter,” he said. “The lacrosse team rose early and carpooled down to Connecticut to play box (indoor) lacrosse against other prep teams. We had a special bond between our teammates that strengthened on these days.”