Seniors Take On Shakespeare


William Shakespeare. Credit: Public Domain

During the winter trimester here at Williston, the standard senior English classes will be reading Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare. Naturally, some students are hesitant to start reading the play , but the teachers seem to be ready and excited to teach it.

With more than a week of reading under their belts, some seniors are already confused. Gabby Monaco was not a fan of the first scene of Hamlet. “The language he uses is just impossible to read, I’ve never read something as complicated as this. I hope my teacher, Mr. Hanford, can make learning this story fun.”

Luckily for Gabby, teachers like Mr. Hanford are willing to make this a unique experience. Students like Cody Cavanaugh have had great feedback about Hanford’s class.

“When we first started reading, I’m not going to lie, I was scared,” Cavanaugh said, “but after the first day of reading in class, when he had us all get up and yell out lines and get out of our comfort zone, it calmed me down.”

Cavanaugh continued, “I think more teachers need to take that approach.” Meanwhile, some seniors are very excited to read the book.

Brendan White is ready to push himself outside of his limits. “I know many people would not expect this from me, but I really am excited to get this trimester going,” White said. “It is just one of those things you have to do and cannot complain about it. Complaining will get you nowhere.”

With the trimester coming to a break mid December, the seniors are trying to get out ahead of the game and keep their grades high. White stated, “You never know when you could get a quiz, you always have to be ready to go. As long as you read, you’re fine.